For: Parents & Caregivers struggling to connect with their teens & young adults...


Learn The secrets to understanding your child...

So you can have total confidence in your role as their support...without driving them (or you) crazy.

pattern interrupt

You want to get your reader's attention by identifying with their problem.

What is their pain? What are they suffering from? Point out their symptoms. Do they feel this way? Read their minds.

sound familiar?

You feel like you’re messing up your kid - or aren’t doing “it” right.

Not to mention the deep sense of guilt that keeps you from speaking to others about the difficulties

you're experiencing with your child.

parent guilt

(is real)

"Am I the only parent who can’t

figure this out?"

"Am I the only parent who can’t

figure this out?"

You know the potential of your child...

...but they just can’t seem to want to move forward in a positive direction and they're pulling away. 

You know your child’s anxiety is likely not going to go away...

...and you can’t see any clear path that would lead your child to being a productive, responsible adult.

You've tried various ways of connecting with your increasingly isolating child…

…but they make it so unpleasant to be around them and everything turns into a fight or debate.

You've read ALL the parenting books and even tried therapy…

… but the implementation seems to fall flat with your kid and you feel like a terrible parent; why can’t you just automatically know the answer for your child like you want to?

You know the potential of your child...

...but they just can’t seem to want to move forward in a positive direction and they're pulling away. 

You know your child’s anxiety is likely not going to go away...

...and you can’t see any clear path that would lead your child to being a productive, responsible adult.

You've tried various ways of connecting with your increasingly isolating child…

…but they make it so unpleasant to be around them and everything turns into a fight or debate.

You've read ALL the parenting books and even tried therapy…

… but the implementation seems to fall flat with your kid and you feel like a terrible parent; why can’t you just automatically know the answer for your child like you want to?

News Flash!

Literally every parent is an imperfect parent!

The simple fact that you're here reading this tells me that you're doing so many things right. But you don't have to settle with trial and error techniques or hoping this "stage" will pass.

News Flash!

Literally every parent is an imperfect parent!

The simple fact that you're here reading this tells me that you're doing so many things right. But you don't have to settle with trial and error techniques or hoping this "stage" will pass.

Well Hello!

I’m Jessica Jo–

Throughout my 17 year career in the field of mental health services, I’ve worked with thousands of teens, young adults, & their parents.

I've worked in every level of care, spending 7 of those years as a wilderness therapist…Why yes, I can start a fire by rubbing sticks together 🙂

Spending that much time within intensive treatment settings has allowed me to see that many parents feel like they may as well be running into a brick wall over and over again rather than trying to reach their child.

I heard this phrase time and again, “I wish I had had  (insert any number of things here)...this book, this information, this skillset, this insight…before all of this happened!” 

My burning desire is to help set parents up for success before they needlessly hit that proverbial wall!

It is my greatest wish to be more preventative in nature with the hope that even just one hospital stay might be able to be navigated differently or avoided altogether. 

Well Hello!

I’m Jessica Jo–

Throughout my 17 year career in the field of mental health services, I’ve worked with thousands of teens, young adults, & their parents.

I've worked in every level of care, spending 7 of those years as a wilderness therapist…Why yes, I can start a fire by rubbing sticks together 🙂

Spending that much time within intensive treatment settings has allowed me to see that many parents feel like they may as well be running into a brick wall over and over again rather than trying to reach their child.

I heard this phrase time and again, “I wish I had had  (insert any number of things here)...this book, this information, this skillset, this insight…before all of this happened!” 

My burning desire is to help set parents up for success before they needlessly hit that proverbial wall!

It is my greatest wish to be more preventative in nature with the hope that even just one hospital stay might be able to be navigated differently or avoided altogether. 

it can be different

Imagine trusting your parenting intuition with a vengeance and managing your strengths and shortcomings to focus on what your child is facing.


Understand how to approach your child their moments of overwhelm while managing your own strong emotions and helping your child manage theirs. 

Feel relief knowing the direction and next steps in the process

...and how to access a team and community for the support of yourself, your child, and other family members.

have routine interactions without a melt down understanding how to attune and align to your child to support through mental & emotional difficulties.

All through a practical - and preventative - approach that helps parents to understand their role in the child’s process of navigating struggles while also taking a look at their own reactions, responses, and triggers. 

An 8 week live collaborative workshop series giving you insights into your options as a parent so you can confidently move forward in supporting your child’s emotional & mental well-being.

Perfect for: parents & caregivers ready to put down the guilt and doubt so they can see a clear path forward as they understand the true nature of their child. 

what's included

Our 8 week group journey together is divided into 2 distinct phases: Phase One is 2 weeks and Phase Two is 6 weeks.


Supported with 2 individual 30 minute video sessions (1/week), you'll lay the groundwork to understanding your family structure and dynamics and all the moving parts that are creating difficulties. We'll identify 1-2 immediate pain points that more than one person in the family is hoping to have shift ASAP and also paint a broad picture to see the things that will have a ripple effect and those that are siloed.


Understanding the landscape

Often referred to as the “10,000 foot view,” taking the time to do this step is important because often even the exercise of putting it all in one place helps us to start seeing a different vantage point.


Identifying the most immediate need(s)

We're going to identify and focus on those things that will make the most impact and create momentum as we fight against the built up inertia, incorporating all family members in the equation.

Phase 2: Expediting the process through collaborative learning

Through 6 - 90 minute group video sessions (1/week), we'll use the collective mental power to discuss and work through a rash of examples quickly so that everyone benefits from hearing the experiences of others! We often "don’t know what we don’t know" and listening to others ask questions promotes a different direction of thinking and elicit insights we would not otherwise have found.


Personal Inventory

In week 3, we are going to mine your personal strengths, tendencies, approaches, styles, and even astrological sign if it seems like it would help 🙂 Too often we are blind to the things that are going right and we are going to give credit where credit is due!


Attunement & Alignment

Not always second nature, knowing how to position ourselves next to the person who is experiencing distress enables us to align in their view of things. In other words...You'll learn how to no longer be the punching bag!


Intentionally Implementing

Ever felt like things aren’t working because you don’t know the right thing yet and maybe there’s something new and shiny that will be the quick-fix/bring the immediate answer? This week we'll be using the information you already possess–no need to seek more!


Mindset & Tools

Limiting beliefs and gaps in learning or personal insight are often at the core of the conflicts we experience across all settings, even within ourselves. In week 6, you'll be supported in shifting the difficult mindsets you face when thinking about your child or your parenting abilities.


Understanding your own Team

Having a network of professionals on deck to support the way each person is individually wired takes a lot of pressure off of the system as a whole. In week 7, we'll establish resources that you can access vs resources for your child.


Community building

In our final session, we make plans for utilizing your community for supporting you, helping your child understand what community looks like in helping them and building interdependence.

what's included

Our 8 week group journey together is divided into 2 distinct phases: Phase One is 2 weeks and Phase Two is 6 weeks.


Supported with 2 individual 30 minute video sessions (1/week), you'll lay the groundwork to understanding your family structure and dynamics and all the moving parts that are creating difficulties. We'll identify 1-2 immediate pain points that more than one person in the family is hoping to have shift ASAP and also paint a broad picture to see the things that will have a ripple effect and those that are siloed.


Understanding the landscape

Most of the time we get so close to the problem that we can’t see the proverbial forest because of that one blasted tree we are continuously running into. Often referred to as the “10,000 foot view,” taking the time to do this step is important because often even the exercise of putting it all in one place helps us to start seeing a different vantage point.


Identifying the most immediate need(s)

While there can be many things that need to eventually be addressed, we're going to identify and focus on those things that will make the most impact and create momentum as we fight against the built up inertia. We'll talk about how to incorporate all family members in the equation and how to talk openly about what is going on during this process.

Phase 2: Expediting the process through collaborative learning

Through 6 - 90 minute group video sessions (1/week), we'll use the collective mental power to discuss and work through a rash of examples quickly so that everyone benefits from hearing the experiences of others! We often "don’t know what we don’t know" and listening to others ask questions promotes a different direction of thinking and elicit insights we would not otherwise have found.


Personal Inventory

In week 3, we are going to mine your personal strengths, tendencies, approaches, styles, and even astrological sign if it seems like it would help 🙂 You have drawn strength from somewhere to get this far so we are going to give credit where credit is due! Too often we are blind to the things that are going right and only focus on what isn’t working.


Attunement & Alignment

Not always second nature, knowing how to position ourselves next to the person who is experiencing distress enables us to align in their view of things. They no longer feel the need to use parents as a punching bag and can instead start using the more productive side of their parent–the support and resourced side.


Intentionally Implementing

Perpetual access to information has instilled the fallacy that if things aren’t working it’s because we don’t know the right thing yet and maybe there’s something new and shiny that will be the quick-fix/bring the immediate answer. What are the approaches you know work with your personality and what ones fall flat on delivery–even if it works just fine for someone else? 


Mindset & Tools

Limiting beliefs and gaps in learning or personal insight are often at the core of the conflicts we experience across all settings, even within ourselves. What are the thoughts that percolate when you get a small whiff of your child starting down a path that leads to what you see as the inevitable negative outcome? How do we approach each situation with new eyes and fresh stamina to sustain patience with our child and ourselves?


Understanding your own Team

Some things simply take more resources; you are going to be identifying the actual team members whose voices will need to weigh in when hurdles become obstacles. Establishing this now will help when things need to be triaged. Having a network of professionals on deck to support the way each person is individually wired takes a lot of pressure off of the system as a whole.


Community building

Communities are a lot different than they were 60 years ago. We now need to be VERY intentional about the communities we build around ourselves as parents as well as communicating explicitly with our kids the individuals that are part of THEIR trusted community and to whom they can turn (and should turn) when they even feel the slightest bit confused or need a safe place to breath. 

Plus: These incredibly helpful resources to support your journey...

Individual Voxer access

Get the one-on-one support you need as you implement your new path. Voxer is a walkie-talkie style app that allows us to exchange individual text and voice messages. 8 weeks of individual access to a Therapuetic Coach are included so you never feel stuck in between weekly sessions.


Get unlimited access to the Parenting Resource Vault: your go-to for the resources to support your journey and beyond. From booklists for both Parenting Development & Personal Development to Why You Can’t Be Your Kid’s Therapist, Myths of Laziness & Motivation, boundaries, and more.

But You Have to hurry

We start February 27th

This is a LIVE program! We begin together with Phase 1 the week of February 27th. Phase 2 live virtual group sessions begin March 14th at 5pm MST. Space is limited to 10 parents.


We start February 27th

This is a LIVE program and we begin together with Phase 1 the week of February 27th. Phase 2 group sessions begin March 14th at 5pm MST.


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they said

Show off what sort of transformation happened because of your offer.

jane awesome

acme co.

Highlight on what they loved about your product.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros auris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros

jane awesome

acme co.

Highlight on what they loved about your product.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros auris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros


Show off just how much easier, lighter, happier, better things will be when this solution is placed into their lives.

video proof

Add some video testimonials if you have them.

They are really powerful.

Integrated Parenting Initiative

An 8 week live collaborative workshop series giving you insights into your options as a parent so you can confidently move forward in supporting your child’s emotional & mental well-being.

Week 1: Understanding the landscape...30 minute Individual Session

Week 2: Identifying the most immediate need...30 minute individual session

Week 3: Personal inventory...90 minute group session

Week 4: Attunement & Alignment...90 minute group session

Week 5: Intentionally implementing...90 minute group session

Week 6: Mindset & tools...90 minute group session

Week 7: Understanding your own team...90 minute group session

Week 8: Community building...90 minute group session

Bonus 1: 8 weeks Voxer access to a Therapeutic Coach

Bonus 2: Parent Resource Vault

TOTAL PRICE = ($2000)

Paid in full today= $1800


8 Payments = $280/wk


4 Payments = $530/every other week

100% secure checkout

you asked

Ask away, I'm here to help.

you asked

Ask away, I'm here to help.

Is this only for parents?

No! All forms of caregiving are welcome. It will be most useful to you if you have a child living with you or if you are working with children daily.

Is this therapy?

No. This is not individual or family therapy. This is a therapeutic coaching program designed to address things that are coming up for you specifically around your parenting and what you are observing in your child.

Is this a course?

No, this is a group coaching program with live video sessions. Phase 1 includes weekly 30 minute individual sessions, Phase 2 includes 90 minute group sessions. Space is limited to 10 parents.

Who is this for?

Parents who want to connect with their children and understand  how to interact with their children in regards to emotional and mental health struggles. 

Who is this not for?

Parents whose child is not currently struggling mentally, emotionally or otherwise.

How much time is required?

The first two weeks will be ½ hour on a video call and then the following 6 weeks will be 1.5-2 hours on a video call per week. The rest of the time is determined by you as you access the support materials and utilize support through Voxer.

What if I can’t make a group session?

All sessions will be recorded and made available to all participants and archived for future use.

What platforms are used?

Google Meets is used for all virtual video meetings. Voxer is used for all other interactions.

Do I need any special supplies or tools?

A computer with a microphone and camera.

Do I have to be on video?

Everyone in the group is encouraged to participate with their video on. It elicits trust and collaboration. 

What payment types are not accepted?

Cash, check, insurance.


This is a LIVE program! The next group begins Phase 1 the week of February 27th. Phase 2 live video group sessions begin March 14th at 5pm MST.


Now is the time to begin the transformation of your parenting approach so that it can have an impact in your child’s life.

If not now, how bad does it have to get?

join me

I'm excited to work with you

join me

I'm excited to work with you

I am thrilled at this stage in my career to be providing access to this information in a crisis prevention fashion! It is obvious that the amazing families I am working with are as committed as I am to be actively addressing the daily challenges as they arise!

We know that mental health was experiencing a rise in awareness and visibility prior to the pandemic hitting in 2020…But the truth is, we are in the midst of a mental-health crisis being labeled the “Second Pandemic.”

Even as adults with fully functioning frontal lobes this has been challenging; our pain is magnified as we watch our children struggle! Often their struggle began with things outside their control that had a compounding effect and sped up the process of hurdles becoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

We want to have the answer, and maybe even be the answer, for any hardship our child may face; however, we also want them to be able to grow into their own strength and abilities as they move towards young adulthood.

The time to help them move in that direction is now! We get to be intentional and strategic as we apply the tools and information we know to help and support them in their journey. Time will pass us by if we choose to passively keep doing the things that are only occasionally working. Let's make the best use of time as we actively seek to implement new approaches and strategies.

I look forward to diving in with you and seeing you enjoy what this process brings you and your family on the other side of 8 weeks!

With metta,

Integrated Parenting Initiative

An 8 week live collaborative workshop series giving you insights into your options as a parent so you can confidently move forward in supporting your child’s emotional & mental well-being.

Week 1: Understanding the landscape...30 minute Individual Session

Week 2: Identifying the most immediate need...30 minute individual session

Week 3: Personal inventory...90 minute group session

Week 4: Attunement & Alignment...90 minute group session

Week 5: Intentionally implementing...90 minute group session

Week 6: Mindset & tools...90 minute group session

Week 7: Understanding your own team...90 minute group session

Week 8: Community building...90 minute group session

Bonus 1: 8 weeks Voxer access to a Therapeutic Coach

Bonus 2: Parent Resource Vault

TOTAL PRICE = ($2000)

Paid in full today= $1800


8 Payments = $280/wk


4 Payments = $530/every other week

100% secure checkout